Step out of your comfort zone. You can achieve your dreams. But you have to act on it, now.

If you do what you always did, you’ll have what you always had. Stop fooling around and push yourself a little harder. If it’s too easy, it probably isn’t going to get you to where you need to be. Sometimes you have to choose the difficult thing.Step out of your comfort zone. You can achieve your dreams. But you have to act on it, now.

You may have to start off by taking baby steps

Something New @angieandthecool

It seems so easy for some people to try something new. They seem fearless. Not me. It is difficult to go outside my comfort zone. I have been trying to get rid of my fear. Spending a lot of time trying to overcome it.  It is so much easier to just stay in a job  or circumstance that you know, even if it is not really what you want. My new strategy: Experience the fear. If I don’t, I will be frozen, and I will never try anything new.