Rediscover the Beauty

Not everyone is fortunate enough to love the job they have. However, it is very feasible to learn to love your job and be a peace with where you are right now. Rediscover the beauty in it. Perhaps you just haven’t paid attention to the beauty of it. Maybe there is an opportunity in it that you have not explored. I often find myself, striving, looking and pursuing more stuff. Like right now I’m thinking that a trip to Italy would be perfect for me. But I am not in Italy. I look outside my window, though, and I see amazing simplicity. Trees, a warm sun, a beautiful sky, a cardinal, a gorgeous view of mossy rocks. Could this be my Italy. Could I be at peace with where I am right now. Today I will focus on being content and just enjoying what I have. Today is my day to rediscover the beauty of where I am. Oh look, there goes another cardinal! Fresh air. I am actually breathing in fresh air.

Are You Beautiful?

Angela Shella is a beautiful singer and educator. Beauty is more than great fashion and makeup. Beauty is about how you feel inside. It is about your style. Your confidence. Beauty is what people see when they look into your eyes and feel your positive energy. Are you beautiful? Wearing great clothes and make up can make you feel more positive and more confident and thus you become even more beautiful. So it isn’t about the hair, clothes or makeup, but it is about what your personality says to the world and what you believe about yourself. It’s about how you walk through this world with your head up because you feel great. A few years ago I wrote “pretty songs”, a collection of songs that made me feel beautiful inside. I suppose, then, we all have our ugly moments. I don’t fully understand how some of the most attractive and talented people in the world commit suicide. Feeling trapped and you feel there is no other way out. Marilyn Monroe surely had so much more to share with the world. Study the picture and tell me if Marilyn Monroe looks sad here. Be beautiful people.

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You’re Not Perfect

Recently, I have discovered that trying to be perfect, for me, is simply a form of procrastination. You know that urge and desire of having to make sure everything is just right. So you wait. You wait again. Why? Because you have to get everything just right before you move forward. Or maybe it’s just fear. The next thing you know, time passes by and you have accomplished nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Persistently yours. Angie.

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