Music that Energizes

Angela Shella Music will be cranking out new dance songs. Energize yourself. Take the challenge. Use Angela Shella’s music to energize and exercise “Describe My Love” and “Space and Time”. Dance and Exercise. Space and Time is the perfect dance song. If you are physically able(allowed by your doctor), I challenge you to dance through these songs from beginning to end and see if you are energized. Exercise decreases depression and anxiety. Exercise improves psychological well-being. Exercise decreases the risk of developing diabetes and helps maintain body weight. It also improves your chances of living a longer life. It has been said to decrease risk of cancer and joint diseases. I often marvel at Lance Armstrong when I think about his story. I truly believe his life was extended because of all his rigorous exercise. We are not God but we can try very hard to live a lifestyle that prolongs our life. A few more years could be fun. I will be pushing out more dance tunes for you. Don’t forget to comment and let me know which songs you like best. Thanks in advance. Ciao!

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